Soldier of Fortune Wiki

"And my man, General Amu. Here we go..."
-John Mullins

General Mohammed Amu is a character in Soldier of Fortune.


A powerful general in Saddam’s army. Disillusioned with his country's leadership, Amu turned to a life of terrorism and destruction. Regaled as a hero by some and a devil by others, Amu seeks to change the world to his vision, and his vision alone.

Amu mounted his own private war with America. Allied with the Order, Amu plans to overthrow Saddam and viciously attack UN and US targets. Always found in military garb and sporting a disfiguring scar, Amu is a coward at heart.


Amu is not encountered in a combat situation. Rather, he is the target of The Shop's operations, first to recover the nuclear warhead he purchased from Dekker, and then to gain intel on The Order and track down its headquarters. General Amu is confronted by Saddam Hussein just as Mullins closes in. Before the Iraqi dictator can have Amu executed for dealing with the Order, Mullins intervenes. Before he can supply intel, however, Amu is killed by the Order's attack chopper.



Desillusioniert von der Führung seines Landes hat sich Amu dem Terrorismus und der Zerstörung verschrieben. Von manchen als Held, von anderen als Teufel bezeichnet hat Amu es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die Welt nach seiner alleinigen Vision zu verändern.


Déçu par le gouvernement de son pays, Amu s'est orienté vers une vie de destruction et de terrorisme. Héros pour les uns, démon pour les autres, Amu cherche à imposer au monde sa vision.